AN 307: Intel® FPGA Design Flow for AMD* Xilinx* Users

ID 683562
Date 9/08/2023

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Document Table of Contents Feature Comparison

The AMD* Xilinx* Multiplier Core and the Intel® FPGA LPM_MULT IP core have similar features; however, you must consider one difference:
  • In the LPM_MULT IP core, the dataa and datab ports must have the same sign. If your design does not meet this requirement, you can use the Intel® FPGA Multiply Adder IP core to replace the AMD* Xilinx* Multiplier Core.

The following table compares the AMD* Xilinx* Multiplier Core and the Intel® FPGA LPM_MULT IP core.

Table 56.   AMD* Xilinx* Multiplier Core versus Intel® FPGA LPM_MULT IP Core
Feature AMD* Xilinx* Multiplier Core Generator Module Intel® FPGA LPM_MULT IP Core
Constant Coefficient Yes Yes
Signed and Unsigned Data Yes Yes
Configurable Pipeline Latency Yes Yes
Area versus Speed Trade-off Yes Yes
Asynchronous Clear Yes
Synchronous Clear Yes Yes
Port A and Port B support different sign Yes

Consider using the Intel® FPGA LPM_MULT IP core to replace the AMD* Xilinx* Multiplier Core.